Thinking about saving?

Savings Calculator
This calculator will help you figure out how long it will take to save for something. How much to save to reach a savings date goal. Helpful tips on how to keep your savings on track.
Get Help Saving on a Low Income
Apply for a Help to Save account.
1. How it works – Help to Save is a type of savings account. It allows certain people entitled to Working Tax Credit or receiving Universal Credit to get a bonus of 50p for every £1 they save over 4 years.
2. Its secure – Help to Save is backed by the government so all savings in the scheme are secure.
3. How to save into it practically – You can save between £1 and £50 each calendar month. You do not have to pay money in every month.
Start a savings habit
Read this blog to get a few top tips on how to start saving. It can be tough on a stretched budget, but its helpful to have a small nest egg for unexpected costs.

Budgeting and Saving Community
Join this Facebook community, run by Money helper with over 1.5k members. It gives regular saving tips and support from community savers.
Top Savings Accounts
Make sure you are getting the best interest on your savings. Look at the top savings accounts.

Saving and Investing
Switch Bank Accounts for Cash Rewards
Switching bank accounts is quick and easy. Plus some banks lining up to pay for your business with FREE cash and other perks. So why stop at just one switch? Read the guide that explains how you can safely and easily switch multiple times, and bag £100s in freebies.

Maximise your Income
Maximise your income by checking what benefits you’re entitled to. £19 billion in benefits go unclaimed every year. Try our easy to use benefits checker today.