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Local Housing Support

  • LBBD Council

    The council may be able to support with affordable housing, homelessness, sheltered housing and more.

  • Reside

    Reside properties are rented out to people who are in employment, but can’t afford to buy or rent privately and have limited access to social housing. Properties are let at 65% to 80% of the market rate.

  • Shelter

    Shelter provide homelessness advice. Go to the web chat on their website or speak to an advisor on 0808 800 4444.

  • Crisis

    If you are rough sleeping or in danger of rough sleeping, please email [email protected] or phone 0300 636 1967 and they will get back to you within 48 hours.

  • Streetlink

    Send an alert on behalf of someone or self refer for rough sleeping.

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